to the Best Birding Destinations in MalaysiaThis site provides visitors valuable and precise information about locating the best spots to view her rich avian diversity. Here you will find the best birding spots, information on how to get there, where to stay and even how contact a birding guide to optimize your experience!
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Malaysia - Birdwatching Paradise ebrochure
The Malaysia - Birdwatching Paradise ebrochure was launched today in Terengganu, Malaysia by the Deputy Director General of Tourism Malaysia, En Iskandar Mirza. ECOMYs President & CEO, Andrew Sebastian, who was lead author of the publication was at hand to witness the launch and present an overview of the avian treasures of Malaysia.
Many photographers contributed their amazing images and they are duly credited in this print. Also available are sites and information relevant to the birds and resources in Malaysia.
Click here to get your own ecopy.
Introducing the Birds of Malaysia
Top Birding Routes
Key Features of This Site

Birding Spots
Here you will find the most comprehensive collection of bird watching sites found in Malaysia. These include diverse and varied habitats ranging from mangrove to lowlands and to sub alpine regions. Tools such as maps and links to social media of bird guides are provided to ensure that you will get rich and useful information before embarking on your avian adventure.

Useful articles & advice
This is a one stop site for birders to plan their site seeing in Malaysia. Need to know how to get to your birding location? Check! Looking for accommodation at your favourite birding site? Check! Need a local bird guide? Check!